Spoof Wars Wiki

The following events took place in the year 2 BBT.


  • Duet steals doorstops from Blobba the Gutt along with Jophon, obtains an illegal cloaking device, deforms and angers Suckuss, and accidentally breaks the cloaking knob.
  • Only-One becomes Guy-Gone's apprentice, they (possibly) encounter a savage Bob on Blogden (details are ambiguous due to Guy-Gone's storytelling credibility).
  • Bob is inducted into Dharth Very Insidious' secret Spiff regime.
  • Captain Plainway quells a crisis on Taboo, her ship the D.S.S. Foilger is subsequently lost in the Epsilon Quadrant.
  • Tyrannical-Fascist takes Bob away for "classified training".


  • Various innocents murdered by Dharth Bob.